Monday, August 13, 2012


Thats the day I started this blog. My journey of my heartbreaks and love. its about to be 4 years...... but yet when i write on here I still feel completely the same as I did when I first wrote Dec. 21st, 2009. I don't know if thats a good or bad thing, but I'm going to consider it Bad. Damn.


I admit it. I, Kiara Gaulding am a Hopeless Romantic. i never really knew what it was until I told this guy, "I guess you can say I am a hopeless romantic." He had no idea what a hopeless romantic really was so he looked it up on google and read it aloud. Word from word, sentence to sentence the definition clearly defined my love life and how my perspective of love is. Its stupid. To sum it up, in his words, ' I wear my heart on my sleeve.' side not, just a couple days before that i posted on twitter 'I wear my heart on my sleeve! Happy Tuesday!' oh love...why must i care and search for you.

The Game

The Game. let me tell you bout the game. it will never end. even if your in a relationship. tests, teasing, the pain, the hurt. its all recycled by the one or anyone. if you do something bad, they’ll repeat it to show you how it feels. they want you to feel what they were feeling. and so on. and on. and on. and on. until you will have nothing. & then you consider yourself a hopeless romantic imagining life as if your dreams.. as if your dreams will soon be reality. thinking as yourself as heartless, you will be heartless. being negative is not seeing the grass on the other side. the game is a hole & the more you play, the more your digging yourself into the hole. how to get yourself out of the hole? thats easy. DONT CARE ABOUT LOVE. being in it, finding someone, dreaming about it, tumbling about it. cause thats giving yourself hope. aka ‘hopeless romantic’. not caring huh? that easy huh? thats probably the most difficult advice I’ve ever given to you. or it just me?

Friday, April 13, 2012

The life I live is motivation to where I want to be.
No traffic along the way.
But everyone you love following you and supporting you along the
Way gets stuck behind?
I get lonely being ahead.
Wishing I could slow down, but when I try to catch up they stop.
They want to find their own way and face the traffic alone.
You can only learn from your mistakes.
Experience makes perfect.
Never a failure, always a lesson.