Friday, October 14, 2011

Looking back at my posts, looking back at my past...
I had forgotten what love and being with someone felt like.
It sounds amazing.
Its hard to want it back so bad when you remember why you left it.
When you loose love, your hearts aches.
Once your cut so deep it takes a LONG time to heal.
During the healing, you forget and start from scratch.
Starting from scratch is pretty scary because what comes along with it,
Are trust issues. When I started this blog my questions was HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S LOVE?
now my question is, HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S REAL?
I've had my experienced getting to know one an other, but I always have doubt.
I hate feeling of doubt, so I believe and tell myself it's real.
But the thought of it being real, creates fear.
Fear of getting my heartbroken again, fear of forgetting of how to love again.
I wish I could just trust that one person so I won't feel fear.
Because like the bible says, "There is no fear in love."

Learning from love teaches you alot, matures you alot, shapes you to who you will be in the future.
Always know that failing in love is not an option, because everyone is surrounded by love.
It doesn't always have to be the love everyone is looking for with a significant other.
Learn from love, "never a failure always a lesson."